You Are Here: Packaging SuppliesPacking Peanuts / Void-Fill MaterialsBiodegradable Peanuts
Biodegradable Peanuts
Price: $22.02
Item#: CLG-1212-B

12 Cubic Foot Bag Biodegradable Packaging Peanuts

Unit Size: 12 cu, ft. Bag
Item#: CLG-1212-B

Biodegradable Packaging Peanuts

These resilient and bio-based packing peanuts are designed to cushion and protect your items so they can safely travel to their destination.

Biodegradable peanuts are perfect for small packaging needs when moving and storing items or for shipping products.

Biodegradable, corn based, Peanuts are an environmentally friendly alternative to polystyrene and plastic based products such as bubble wrap and plastic peanuts.

You can ship or pack your gifts or belongings safely and effectively by using our starch based packaging.

This packaging can be reused several times or can be disposed of by running hot water on them in a sink or tub, or by adding them to your backyard compost.

Using packing peanuts for your shipping and storage needs will protect your products and give you peace of mind.

Organic fill is static free.